Two sisters living in Oregon saved the life of their father by pulling a 3,000-pound tractor off of him, according to the Albany Democrat-Herald.

While attempting to remove a stump from his yard, 36-year-old Jeff Smith's tractor flipped over and the pinned him to the ground below. Losing breath with every yell and scream just hoping someone would hear him, Smith's daughters finally arrived to aid their struggling father.

"Save me. Help me God," were the words of Smith according to his 14-year-old daughter Haylee. Along with the help of Haylee's older sister Hannah, the two called 911 and then lifted the machine off their father's torso to provide him with some comfort before help arrived.

Smith was completely freed from underneath the machine when a nearby neighbor used his own tractor to rescue him from below. An ambulance arrived moments later, taking Smith to the hospital where he was treated for a broken left wrist along with other cuts and bruises on the arm.

In understandable shock following the incident, Smith was extremely thankful his daughters were around to come to his aid. "I was losing more and more breath every time I screamed," Smith told the Herald. "They saved my life."

Noting how surreal it is to be involved in a this type of situation, Smith never though anything of this magnitude would happen to him. "You hear about this kind of stuff, this adrenaline rush, being able to pick cars up and slide people out. You never realize it's really there until you actually witness it," he said to reporters from in Idaho.

Jeff Smith will recover from his physical injuries over time but the images from the nightmare that unfolded will undoubtedly remain for quite awhile.

Perhaps the only memory worth saving is the one that shows his heroic daughters coming to the aid of their father. Sometimes the power of a loving family is all you need.

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