George Zimmerman, the man who shot and killed Trayvon Martin in 2012, is back in the news on Monday after he reportedly shared a photo of the dead teen’s body along with a caption that referred to “Z-man” as “a one-man army.” Zimmerman shared the message in the form of a retweet, drawing ire on social media for appearing to be proud of killing 17-year-old Martin.
If Zimmerman is a “one-man army,” than what is the war? Some interpret the remark to reference a racial war against African Americans. Zimmerman, who has Anglo and Peruvian heritage has vehemently defended himself against accusations of racism.
Trayvon Martin, the unarmed black teenager whom Zimmerman shot and killed in 2012 has become a focal point of the Black Lives Matter movement, an organizing theme of black rights activists. Zimmerman was acquitted of murder charges in Trayvon Martin case in 2013.
Zimmerman, meanwhile, has become the cause célèbre of various counter-movements: gun rights, anti-muslim groups, and activists decrying political correctness and racial sensitivity.His participation in these movements has repeatedly given ammunition to his critics.
For example, Zimmerman recently auctioned painted reproduction of the Confederate flag, the symbol of the 19th century apartheid southern state that attempted to secede from the U.S.
The painting is currently his display image on Twitter, so readers of the “one-man army” tweet would have seen the stylized Confederate flag along with the image of the dead black teenager.

In the past, Zimmerman has received criticism for making apparently racist comments on his twitter feed. He has referred to African-Americans as monkeys, calling President Barack Obama as a “baboon.”
Zimmerman says that he has received numerous death threats as a result of his ongoing advocacy work and commentary. On Monday, he tweeted an image critical of Obama, along with the phrase “white lives matter.”
Gee.. I sure hate offending people that have plotted and tried to kill me and my family... pic.twitter.com/filWTVToHq
— George Zimmerman (@TherealGeorgeZ) September 28, 2015
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