George P. Bush
George P. Bush, nephew of former President George W. Bush, is seeking statewide political office in the Lone Star State. Creative Commons

George Prescott Bush, the 36-year-old son of former Governor Jeb Bush, R-Fla., announced his candidacy this week for an important statewide office in Texas. Through a twitter posting that referenced his recent meeting with current Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson, Bush wrote in part: "Updated filing. Running for #TXLand Commissioner," and listed his campaign website address.

Bush, the grandson and nephew of two Presidents by the name of George Bush, made no indication whether the move to run for statewide office would eventually lead him to follow in his namesakes' footsteps into the White House.

"The important lesson Ganny [grandmother and former first lady Barbara Bush] taught me was the importance of public service," Bush said on YouTube.

The executive director of a leftist public policy organization criticized Bush's announcement, saying that he should not assume his name alone qualifies him for public office: "Unless George Bush can prove he's not just another Bush, his candidacy is likely to be met with strong opposition across the state," said Matt Glazer of Progress Texas.

According to the Associated Press, Bush's spokesman did insinuate a little as to the possibility of the candidate using this race as a vehicle to eventually attain a higher office, as Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, R-Texas, last served in the role, and Patterson may seek Dewhurst's seat in the next election.

Bush, whose mother is from Mexico, has also been heavily involved in recruiting young Hispanic conservatives to seek elected office.

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