Gene Penaflor, 72, survives the wilderness consuming frogs and algae.
Image Reuters

Gene Penaflor, 72, got lost in the Medocino National Forest in California after getting separated from his buddy on Sept. 24 while hunting deer. He became unconscious after slipping on a steep slope and hitting his head, and then awoke to find himself in unknown territory. Many don't know how to survive without food and water, but fortunately, Penaflor did what it takes to stay alive after unsuccessfully trying to make his way out of the large nature preserve. His diet, for three weeks, consisted of lizards, frogs and squirrels, as he survived the cold temperatures that sometimes dropped below 25 degrees Fahrenheit while he waited for help.

Gene Penaflor was sent to a hospital in the town of Ukriah, where he was treated and sent home in good health. "He's good. He's hanging in there," said his son, Jeremy, to CNN. "He looks like nothing changed except he grew a beard." Gene Penaflor has revealed that he split up with his partner after implementing a common hunting strategy that entailed flanking deer on two sides to ensure you get your prey. After Gene Penaflor didn't show up, his hunting buddy reported him missing and a search party was sent consisting of two dozen country and state law enforcement officers. The search was suspended after no clues were found after four days of thorough searching on food and with rescue dogs.

Jeremy told CNN that his father told him that while he still had his hunting rifle, he did not have the energy to hunt for deer. "He told me it was mainly in survival mode. He was trying to save energy," the son said. As such, Gene Penaflor focused on small game, looked for algae and drank water from a creek. As for how he stayed warm, he revealed that he crouched under a fallen tree and stayed warm by making a fire and packing his body with dry leaves and grass. Jeremy told CNN that he knew his father was out there and their family never lost hope.

Gene Penaflor was eventually found by another hunter, who called the sheriff's office stating he and his friends heard a man crying for help from a valley. The hunter was instructed to call 911, and the operator was able to lock down the GPS coordinates. The hunting part made a makeshift stretcher out of trees to carry the 72-year-old out of the forest. After they made it up a steep hill, a helicopter took Gene Penaflor to the Ukiah Valley Medical Center.

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