The Season 7 finale of "Game of Thrones" was one of the most epic episodes of television. In case you missed the chapter titled "The Dragon and the Wolf," all the worlds collided to form a truce and fight the Great War. So many revelations were made and everybody was surprised by the outcome. People on social media broke the internet reaction to the final moments of the HBO series that had everyone at the edge of their seat. Take a look at the funniest memes down below and give us your own thoughts on the Season 7 finale!
Episode 7 of Season 7 of "Game of Thrones" was titled "The Dragon and the Wolf" the wight is presented to the Lannisters at King's Landing. Cersei demands Jon's neutrality in the Great War, but he upholds his oath to Daenerys, provoking Cersei to leave. Tyrion meets privately with Cersei, apparently persuading her to ally. Cersei later reveals to Jaime that she was lying and instead intends to use the Golden Company of Braavos to secure her hold on Westeros.
Horrified, Jaime deserts her and rides north. Bound for White Harbor, Jon and Daenerys make love. At Dragonstone, Theon earns the respect of his men and leads them to rescue Yara. At Winterfell, Littlefinger discuss Arya's threatening demeanor with Sansa, who assembles a trial. After listing Littlefinger's acts of treason against House Stark and the North, Sansa has Arya execute him. Samwell arrives at Winterfell and meets with Bran, discussing Jon's parentage. They realise Jon is a trueborn Targaryen named Aegon and valid heir to the Iron Throne, his parents – Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark – having married in secret. At Eastwatch, an undead Viserion damages the Wall, allowing the Dead Army to march south.
#GameOfThrones fans stumbling into work the morning after that 79 minute season finale. pic.twitter.com/bzrWjkeWPa
— GameofThrones Quotes (@ASOIAFQuotesGOT) August 28, 2017
Actual footage of the kings landing meeting in the game of thrones finale pic.twitter.com/wRtxtuDV15
— m (@KIMVPRlNT) August 28, 2017
me: the Game of Thrones finale was awesome!!
— mike deestro (@mikedeestro) August 28, 2017
HBO: Season 8 doesn't come out until 2019..
me: pic.twitter.com/P2rYce8Tsw
Who else wanna talk about #JonSnowAss today? I got all day.#GameOfThrones #GoT #ThronesYall #KitHarrington #ThronesYall pic.twitter.com/PQNFdsmD7u
— tess (@itsavault) August 28, 2017
Bran's already watching season 8 #GameOfThones #Got #GoTS7Finale pic.twitter.com/RgwMA6LB6x
— Gaby (@Gaby_Ph7) August 28, 2017
Sansa: you stand accused of murder.
— Salma ElGammal (@Solly6795) August 28, 2017
You stand accused of treason
How do you answer these charges....Lord Baelish?
Me: #GameOfThronesFinale pic.twitter.com/w2ds1DK9rn
Waking up this morning and realizing there's no Game of Thrones for two years #GameOfThronesFinale #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/QLCTN1oX1F
— Sadie Dundizzle (@slimsadiewut) August 28, 2017
I'd like to nominate Littlefinger getting exposed as the new "Blinking White Guy" GIF #GameOfThrones #GameOfThronesFinale pic.twitter.com/bmoGv27qdg
— Tristan Cooper (@TristanACooper) August 28, 2017
i was laughing too hard at this scene#GameOfThrones #GameOfThronesFinale pic.twitter.com/fHxp1iqIb9
— cate (@vfterglow) August 28, 2017
Tormund explaining what happened to the wall in season 8 to Jon #GameOfThrones #GameOfThronesFinale pic.twitter.com/9FlRbXUiDp
— Zuzu (@urfavetrollhehe) August 28, 2017
And it comes to End.:') When you realize you've got to wait 2 years until the next new episode ;')#GameOfThronesFinale pic.twitter.com/XRhtAZpJId
— sabir ullah roxdar (@SRoxdar) August 28, 2017
The jon and dany boat scene just may have been the best television scene I have ever seen in my life #GameOfThrones #GameofThronesFinale pic.twitter.com/YHxQ8l1IwE
— jim ? (@jimxfinn) August 28, 2017
There's only one Cersei Lannister. #GameOfThronesFinale pic.twitter.com/btiSTlqHgo
— Ran Ahmed (@ranpotato) August 28, 2017
#GameOfThronesFinale me watching the Great Hall scene with Littlefinger pic.twitter.com/ooHqBjC4Sr
— Z ✨ (@MsMaeAlltheWay) August 28, 2017
That last scene with the dragon though??#GameOfThronesFinale pic.twitter.com/9OiLzj0LwH
— Amy Kelly (@AmyJessK) August 28, 2017
No Game of Thrones for yet another year or two #GameOfThronesFinale pic.twitter.com/l5HN0EJobb
— jam (@illegghead) August 28, 2017
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