“Game of Thrones” Season 4 premiered on HBO and along with new plotlines, came new characters. Fans were introduced to the mysterious Daario Naharis in Season 3, however the actor was recast and in the Season 4 premiere “Two Swords,” fans met the current Daario Naharis, who for the most part looks similar. Daario was first introduced to the series through his meeting with Daenerys Targaryen; he is a Tyroshi sellsword and current commander of the Second Sons.
The pair met in Yunkai, the young Queen attempted to sway the sellswords to abandon their allegiance to Yunkai and fight for her instead, while Daario was obviously intrigued by Dany, his superior commanders reject her offer and departed. But this is not the last interaction between Daenerys and Daario, after the rejected offer, the lethal sellsword beheaded his commanding officers, and proceeded to take control of the Second Sons. He then slipped into the young Queen’s tent and swore his fealty to her, stating that “his sword, his life and his heart” belong to Daenerys. The relationship between Dany and Daario seems to have progressed even further since he seized Yunkai for her, the pair exchanged a somewhat tender conversation in "Two Swords." However, the intimate moment was under the rouse of “strategy”, Daario even gifted the Queen three local flowers, claiming it is necessary she leanrs the land she is to rule. But the conversation seemed to be more flirtatious, then political.
Warning spoilers for Season 4 of “Game of Thrones” ahead. Do not read any further if you do not want to know what will happen in the forthcoming season.
Daario and Dany’s relationship will steadily intensity this season. Dany has turned her sights on Meereen, the last of the great slave cities left to conquer. While her relationship with Daario grows, her relationship with Jorah Mormont begins to crumble, Dany discovers that he was once an informant for Varys and betrayed her. Despite his time of loyal service, she cannot forgive him. In an attempt to serve penance for his betrayal against the Queen, whom he swore fealty to; Jorah seizes Meereen for Dany through an almost guaranteed suicide mission. Dany sends him on a covert mission through the sewers, half hoping that they will die in the attempt.
The mission succeeds and wins the city with minimal blood, but due to his refusal to repent for his betrayal, Dany is forced to banish Jorah from his service as her Queensguard, however she truly desires to pardon him. Despite winning control of Meereen easily, keeping the slave city in control proves difficult for the untested ruler. Dany intitally desires to leave Slaver’s Bay behind and regain the Iron Throne and her birthright of ruling Westeros, but she realizes that she does not know how to rule yet, and decides that she will first bring order to Slaver’s Bay and establish a Queendom in Meereen before departing for King’s Landing.
Her relationship with Daario takes form through her trials and tribulations while ruling in Meereen, mainly due to her extreme loneliness and despair, Despite Barristan’s companionship, Dany has lost her brother Viserys, her husband, Khal Drogo, and then her protector, Jorah Mormont, and she is finally recognizing the emotional pain of these tragedies. The pair becomes lovers and their relationship, though mostly physical, deepens when a marriage pact is offered to Dany in a bid to keep the peace in Meereen. Dany’s Unsullied soldiers and freed men are being slayed each night by a rebel force, protesting against her rule and abolishment of the slave trade.
They are dubbed the “Sons of the Harpy” and although their crimes are widespread and frequent throughout Meereen, they are elusive and have not been caught. The killings in conjunction with Dany’s despair over losing Jorah Mormont leave her open to the idea of marriage pact, even though she has developed deep feelings for Daario. Dany marries the Meerreen nobleman, Hizdahr zo Loraq, on the condition that he brings 90 days of peace. The peace ensues and the marriage occurs, Daario is not pleased, by he still serves Dany loyally though not in Meereen.
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