Justice is finally served to the 23-year-old Jyoti Singh, also referred to as Nirbhaya, who was brutally gang-raped on a moving bus in New Delhi in 2012. This incident sparked nationwide protests and the citizens called for harsher punishment and protection to curb sexual violence in India.
"It will be a big lesson for all. Whoever abuses women will get a lesson from this,” India Today quoted Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal as saying after the sentencing. “Nirbhaya's parents and all of us were waiting for this news. Justice has finally been served."
The court has sentenced the convicts to death by hanging that was scheduled on Jan. 22 at 7 a.m. in Tihar jail. The order was handed down by Delhi court's Additional Sessions Judge Satish Kumar Arora and the four men who were put on the death row are Mukesh (32), Vinay Sharma (26), Akshay Kumar Singh (31) and Pawan Gupta (25).
According to The Daily Mail, seven years ago, six men that include the bus driver were arrested and they were charged with rape and murder. Only four of them were set to be executed two weeks from now because one convict hanged himself while in jail while the other one is still a juvenile.
The youth was tried via the juvenile justice board and he was sentenced to three years only. As of today, he was already released from the reformation home after completing his sentence.
Asha Devi, the victim’s mother, was thankful and praised the verdict. She was emotional after the decision was announced on Tuesday, Jan. 7. The father also expressed his satisfaction with the verdict.
“My daughter has got justice. Execution of the four convicts will empower the women of the country,” Devi told the media. “This decision will strengthen the trust of people in the judicial system." It has taken seven years. Her struggle is over now.”
"I am happy with the court's decision,” the father of the victim, Badrinath Singh, told India TV News. “The convicts will be hanged at 7 a.m. on January 22 and this decision will instill fear in people who commit such crimes."
Prior to the sentencing, it was said that the four convicts made an appeal against the death penalty but India’s Supreme Court rejected them. The verdict was finalized in December 2019 and was pronounced yesterday.
Then again, it was reported that the men still have a chance to appeal for the last time. This is called the “black warrant” death notice in India and their lawyer is preparing to file a mercy plea.
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