The Following
Catch episode 14 of "The Following" tonight at 9 on Fox.

The main thing I learned from this episode is that Ryan constantly screws up. Joe has both Claire and Joey securely locked away in his "Following" house and with Claire's escape attempts they are not leaving anytime soon.

Ryan is check out by his nurse ex-girlfriend Molly, who is a Follower, and unfortunately for Ryan his ticker isn't holding up too well.

The FBI is still breaking down the discovered armory house that has a mass amount of information about the Following and Carroll in general. Agent Debra is now calling the religion that the Followers follow, "Carrollism." The FBI also discover a link between The Following and Daniel Monroe. Monroe is an arms dealer out of West Virginia, and while the FBI searches for him the Following is feels the heat and decide to visit Monroe. Although we get the idea that the visit to West Virginia isn't going to end well.

Another FBI discovery is the military guy's house. The FBI discover Brian Fowler, a member of Freedom 13, a militia group. Because there are a ton of alarm systems within the house Ryan feels there is more than meets the eye and finally discovers Daniel Monroe.

Back at the following house, tensions are high. Emma and Roderick continue to fight, both seemingly vying for Joe's attention. Although much to everyone's dismay Joe's book is slow moving and he is getting more frustrated, Joe finally calls Ryan and probes him about his father. Claire breaks into Joe's computer and finds his manuscript and that it's all about Ryan.

We also see Emma attempt to be nice to Claire, Claire just insane and threatens Emma if she ever touches Joey again. As Claire is getting ready for bed, Joe comes to here affectionately. However, he is instantly annoyed and leaves when Claire reveals that his plan on his computer will never work.

Back with the FBI during a seemingly routine interrogation of Danial Monroe, Joe, Jacob and the Following infiltrate FBI headquarters. After an odd series of questioning about Ryan's father, Joe and Jacob escape although one member of the Following and Monroe are both killed.

Oh! I also forget that Agent Parker is knocked out and taken by Jacob to the Following House, she awakes to find herself behind enemy lines. The episode ends with Agent Parker introducing Ryan Hardy to Roderick under the guise of local Sheriff.

There is so much going on in "The Following" I can barely keep up, next week's episode the cult gets even more desperate as the FBI closes in.

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