Florida's latest election results.
Florida's latest election results. Google

It has been nearly 48 hours since President Obama has been declared winner in the 2012 elections. But, one state has yet to certify its results and declare a carrier - Florida.

As it stands right now, an estimated 97 percent of the state's votes have been counted. President Obama has 4,143,364 votes or 50 percent of the votes. Romney has 4,096,351 or 49 percent of the votes.

According to CNN, "Florida has voted Republican in 11 of the last 15 presidential elections. The last Republican to win the White House without winning Florida was Warren Harding in 1924. The last Democrat to win the White House without winning Florida was Bill Clinton in 1992."

According to the Associated Press, presidential ballots in Florida are still being counted.

"Most of the remaining ballots are being counted Thursday in Miami-Dade County," the AP reported. "The state's largest county had a last-minute wave of absentee ballots that needed to be processed. Combined with a tight race, that has delayed the announcement of a winner. If [Obama] claims Florida's 29 electoral votes, Obama would increase his victory margin in the Electoral College to 332 to Romney's 206."

According to CNN's exit polls, 52 percent of men voted form Romney and 46 percent for Obama. Forty-five percent of Florida's electorate was made up of men.

Women made up 55 percent of the electorate. Obama received 53 percent of the female vote compared to Romney's 46 percent.

Sixty percent of Latinos and 95 percent of African Americans voted for Obama.

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