The long wait is here for “The Flash” fans and there is perhaps nothing better to start it off with a five-episode event titled “Armageddon.” This means that team Flash will be joined by other heroes as they set to save the world once more from a new threat that would place the fate of humanity on the line.

Of course, the heroes to expect may be familiar. That includes Batwoman (Javicia Leslie), Black Lightning (Cress Williams), The Atom (Brandon Routh), Sentinel (Chyler Leigh), Mia McQueen (Katherine McNamara), Eobard Thawne (Tom Cavanagh) and Neal McDonough (Damien Dhark).

For those following The CW shows closely, some may wonder what Thawne or “Reverse-Flash” and Dhark are doing in the mix. With the threat so serious, Team Flash needs all the help they can get.

However, it may not be smooth sailing for the characters on “Armageddon.” Thawne and Dhark may be up to something sinister, something that most have already seen in the past.

Showrunner Eric Wallace provided some hints on things to come. Unsurprisingly not getting into detail, he says that fans will get to see something different from the two villains, a side that no one has seen before. Wallace shared these when he spoke on The Flash podcast.

"I'll give you this and this is actually true; you're going to see a side of both Reverse-Flash and Damien Darhk that you may not have seen before. I think one of the most powerful themes - in fact, there's two, as far as the villains are concerned - two of the most powerful scenes in the entire Armageddon 5-episode event," Wallace said.

There will be trust issues in play given as far as teaming up with the “Reverse-Flash.” This early, Wallace is advising fans to pay close attention to Thawne and Caitlin/ Killer Frost (Danielle Panabaker).

As for Dhark, it remains to be seen what will be up to. He will continue to hold that sinister character although an explanation on why they came to be will be something to watch.

“The Flash” season 8 starts on Nov. 16 on The CW with “Armageddon, Part 1.”

Hartley Sawyer, Danielle Panabaker and Tom Cavanagh
Hartley Sawyer, Danielle Panabaker and Tom Cavanagh Getty Images | Mike Coppola

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