Falling in love will usually lead people to do foolish things. But in the case of a social work graduate Kelly Jacobs, there is more to the story.
Kelly joined writeaprisoner.com in 2019 and chose to correspond with James “Wyatt” Dentel. The 32-year-old is behind bars serving a 20-year sentence at the Snake River Correctional Institution in Oregon for assault, and unlawful use of a firearm during a bar brawl in 2012.
Through constant collaborations and conversations, the two developed an unusual relationship. Wyatt got several tattoos of Kelly who lived 5,000 miles away in the Netherlands. In October last year, the 32-year-old proposed in a video call and both are now planning to marry inside the prison in October this year.
“He proposed with a prison-made ring, but then he had someone in the free world order a ring at a jeweller for me,” Kelly stated. “I will probably just wear a simple white dress or white trousers or a white skirt and top.”
But as one would guess, the whole engagement thing shocked even Kelly’s parents. Regardless, both gave their blessing but only when they were able to talk to Wyatt a couple of times. It gave them a different view of the situation and who Wyatt was.
“They always thought that inmates were aggressive and rude, like on TV, but they now see that he is soft and warm and he has good manners. He is polite, kind and funny,” Kelly explained.
Wyatt had sought permission to marry Kelly through her father. The dad eventually gave his permission and is coming with her when the two tie the knot in October.
Unfortunately, Wyatt needs to convince Kelly’s brother too. It turns out that he remains skeptical mainly because he is very protective of his sister. That could all change once the two men get to talk face-to-face and Kelly is confident about it.
But with Wyatt still serving his prison term, the two of them cannot be physically together until the 32-year-old gets his release. Kelly would be 40 by that time while Wyatt will be 44. Although that would be old age, Kelly is not fretting.
“He’s a little worried about being an older father, but my dad was around his age when he had my brother, so it’s all possible,” Kelly stated.

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