The U.S. Food and Drug Administration posted warning letters addressed to 14 U.S.-based companies illegally selling more than 65 products that fraudulently claim to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure cancer. The products are marketed and sold without FDA approval, most commonly on websites and social media platforms.
Beware of products for people & pets claiming to cure cancer on websites or social media. #fdahealthfraud https://t.co/qjcGdPEoWu pic.twitter.com/YjvocY6JOw
— U.S. FDA (@US_FDA) April 25, 2017
“Consumers should not use these or similar unproven products because they may be unsafe and could prevent a person from seeking an appropriate and potentially life-saving cancer diagnosis or treatment,” said Douglas W. Stearn, director of the Office of Enforcement and Import Operations in the FDA’s Office of Regulatory Affairs.
It is a violation of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act to market and sell products that claim to prevent, diagnose, treat, mitigate or cure diseases without first demonstrating to the FDA that they are safe and effective for their labeled uses.
The illegally sold products cited in the warning letters posted today include a variety of product types, such as pills, topical creams, ointments, oils, drops, syrups, teas and diagnostics (such as thermography devices). They include products marketed for use by humans or pets that make illegal, unproven claims regarding preventing, reversing or curing cancer; killing/inhibiting cancer cells or tumors; or other similar anti-cancer claims.
As part of the FDA’s effort to protect consumers from cancer health fraud, the FDA has issued more than 90 warning letters in the past 10 years to companies marketing hundreds of fraudulent products making cancer claims on websites, social media and in stores.
List of Fraudulent Products Claiming to Treat, Cure Cancer:
FDA Takes Action Against Fraudulent Cancer Products. Educate yourself on these scams. https://t.co/lzCHEJBHS8 pic.twitter.com/95DtrBf9xI
- AIE Pharmaceuticals, Inc.: Cevrogin, Cholestrien, ImmunPro, and Livral Complex.
- Amazing Sour Sop, Inc.: Sour Sop Capsules, Sour Sop Leaves, and Sour Sop Tea Bags.
- BioStar Technology International, LLC: Angiostop, Ashwagandha, Asparagus Extract, OliveLeafQi, and Revivin.
- Caudill Seed & Warehouse Inc.: Vitalica
- DoctorVicks.com: Freeda Vitamins – Garlic 400 mg, Freeda Vitamins – Quercetin 50 mg, Freeda Vitamins – Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 50 mg, Maxi Health – Livamax with Milk Thistle, Maxi Health – Maxi Omega-3 2000, Maxi Health – Triple Maxi Omega-3 Concentrate with D3 2000IU, and Maxi Health – Maxi Resveratrol – Kosher Heart & Memory Formula.
- Everything Herbs: Cleavers, Inkberry, Korean Ginseng, Lapacho, Red Clover, and Whole Apricot.
- Hawk Dok Natural Salve, LLC: Skin Cancer Treatment, and Smokeless Tobacco Cancer Treatment for Gums, and Lip Sores.
- Healing Within Products & Services, Inc.: Astragalus Glycerite, Black Salve, Healthy Prostate & Ovary, Original Herbal Tea Remedy, ProBoost Thymic Protein A, and Siberian Chaga Mushroom Extract.
- LifeVantage Corporation: Protandim NRF2 Synergizer.
- Nature's Treasure, Inc.: Colostrum LD Capsules, Dysbiocide, KR22 Oxicell, and Matcha Tea.
- Oxygen Health Systems, LLC: Graviola, Graviola Max, Liposomal Complete Complex Plus, Liposomal Curcumin, Liposomal Vitamin B17 Amygdalin, Liposomal Vitamin C, Palladium Lipoic Complex, Premium Flax, Rerum Blue, and Super Liposomal Plus.
- Sunstone, Inc.: Chelated Boron, Circulatory Detox & Support Syrup, Essiac Tea, Fermented Yeast Culture, Premium Organic, 8 oz., Virxcan-X Salve, and Virxcan-X Tablets.
- The Vibrant Health Store, LLC: dba Dr. Christopher's HerbsBlack Drawing Ointment, Burdock Root, Kid-e-Trac, Liver D-Tox Formula, Rash Ointment, Red Clover Blossoms, Relax-Eze, and St. John’s Wort.
- The Vitamin C Foundation: Cardio-C, Chewables Vitamin C, Sodium Ascorbate, True Liposomal Vitamin C, and World’s Finest Vitamin C Powder.
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