"Fallout 4"
Bethesda not announcing any "Fallout 4" news anytime soon. Fallout screenshot

Well this is just sad news. It has been revealed that Bethesda isn't announcing "Fallout 4," or anything at all, at the VGX show this weekend. The publisher's VP of public relations and marketing, Peter Hines announced via Twitter that the company would not be announcing anything at VGX and assured fans to take a breath and remain calm. Himes tweeted, "No, folks. I am not going to VGX. Bethesda is not showing/talking about anything at VG. Just some PR meetings in LA. Take deep breaths."

Recent rumors suggest Bethesda is working on a "Fallout 4" reveal, but it is looking like it may be just that, a rumor. The recent update to the site TheSurvivor2299.com, discovered by Reddit users, convinced many fans an announcement from the company about "Fallout 4" was coming soon. The site, which was supposedly registered to ZeniMax Media which owns Bethesda's developer/publisher division, was updated with morse code and a countdown clock. Many fans of the title believed this site was a teaser for "Fallout 4" news coming but now it's looking like it may only be a potential hoax in the making.

Since we now have confirmation that "Fallout 4" news isn't happening from Peter Hines maybe Bethesda will bring something else to the table. Perhaps we will hear some news about the "Titanfall" surprise that Geoff Keighley tweeted about last month tweeting, "Excited to announce that Titanfall is coming to VGX. Big surprises and news from @respawn on December 7. Don't miss it." Or perhaps we'll hear news of a next-gen update for "Tomb Raider" this Saturday, Dec. 7 at VGX. Only time will tell what will go down at VGX over the weekend.

RELATED: 'Fallout 4' Release Date Rumors: Does New Potential Teaser Site Update Mean Launch Date Coming Soon?

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