Facebook Paper App
Facebook announces new Paper App. Facebook

From speculation to reality it seems Facebook will indeed be releasing a news aggregated application. The Facebook Paper app is a news aggregated application that has a Flipboard inspired feel. Paper offers a new alternative to your usual cluttered newsfeed and instead features a streamlined way to intake cutting-edge stories and headlines. Re/Code reports the app will not only aggregate news but mix with user status updates all in one place in either a stand-alone or mobile app. We have a compiled list of 4 features the Paper app will also feature.

1. The new app will surface content from 19 different sections, including sports, tech, pop culture, and "LOL." The app also has a "Newsfeed" section, which is the same News Feed users are accustomed to on the native apps, but with a new design and feel.

2. The sections will feature a rotating carousel of images across the top, and individual cards and stories below that particular image. The new application is specifically designed to look completely different than the native app, and is more visual based using larger images and content cards without the typical Facebook-blue trim.

3. Users will able to to select sections they want to subscribe to and all content will be curated through a process that includes an algorithm and a human selection. As of now sections will not be personalized but is sure to change.

4. The app also has a preview feature for users to see what their posts will look like before they are shared on Paper. Anything shared on Paper will also appear on that user's Facebook News Feed in the native apps and on desktop.

The Facebook Paper application was announced Wednesday, Jan. 29 after the announcement of the earning calls. The app was created by a 15-person team as part of a broader company initiative known as Facebook Creative Labs. Facebook Paper app is schedule to hit the Apple App Store on Monday Feb. 3, but will only be available to iPhone users at launch. There has yet to be a release date for the Android or iPad version of the app and no timeline has been set either.

Introducing Paper from Facebook on Vimeo.

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