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Facebook users will now have the opportunity to customize their gender identity on the social media giant. Facebook now allows its users to choose from over 50 different gender options which now include not just "male" or "female" but also "transgender," "cisgender," "gender fluid," "intersex" and "neither." Users in the United States can also choose their gender pronoun, whether that be "his", "her" or the gender neutral option ("they" or "their").

"While to many this change may not mean much, for those it affects it means a great deal," a Facebook spokesperson wrote in an email. "We see this as one more way we can make Facebook a place where people can express their authentic identity." The move will allow members of the LGBT community who do not identify with traditional gender roles to create a digital identity more in line with their true gender sentiments. Facebook said they worked with "a group of leading LGBT advocacy organizations."

"When you come to Facebook to connect with the people, causes, and organizations you care about, we want you to feel comfortable being your true, authentic self," Facebook said in a post on its Diversity page. "An important part of this is the expression of gender, especially when it extends beyond the definitions of just 'male' or 'female,' " the post continued. "So today, we're proud to offer a new custom gender option to help you better express your own identity on Facebook."

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