Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO Getty Images

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO, updated his status denying knowledge of PRISM.

"I want to respond personally to the outrageous press reports about PRISM," Zuckerberg posted on his Facebook page.

The social network was one of the companies that gave access to their central servers to the NSA and FBI, according to a Washington Post report. Other companies included were AOL, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Skype, Yahoo and YouTube.

NSA allegedly collected date from these services, like Facebook status updates, e-mail's, text messages, file transfers and more.

That is why Zuckerberg took to his Facebook page to clarify the issue, "Facebook is not and has never been part of any program to give the US or any other government direct access to our servers. We have never received a blanket request or court order from any government agency asking for information or metadata in bulk, like the one Verizon reportedly received. And if we did, we would fight it aggressively. We hadn't even heard of PRISM before yesterday."

"When governments ask Facebook for data, we review each request carefully to make sure they always follow the correct processes and all applicable laws, and then only provide the information if is required by law. We will continue fighting aggressively to keep your information safe and secure," the CEO of the social network continued.

"We strongly encourage all governments to be much more transparent about all programs aimed at keeping the public safe. It's the only way to protect everyone's civil liberties and create the safe and free society we all want over the long term."

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