Gas Tanker exploes in China.
People running away from gas tanker. MrEisig123 / YouTube Snap Shot

A gas tanker containing approximately 20 tons of liquid natural gas suffered a traffic accident in a major Chinese highway in Hunan province on Saturday.

At least two cameras captured the moment the accident occurred and the obtained footage displays a quickly expanding cloud of white gas engulfing everything on its way until it eventually explodes.

One of the cameras capturing the moment came from a bus passenger that captured the eerie scene from about 200 meters away. The video shows people running away from the gas and people panicking until all of a sudden a huge explosion goes off knocking everything down including the cameraman.

Additional footage of the scene was captured by CCTV and displays the still alive firefighters just before the explosion.

At least five people were killed and several injured according to the state media.

At least two trucks were destroyed and a handful of cars as well.

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