Trump Putin_1152460187_10092024_1
Former President Donald Trump attends a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin during the G20 summit in Osaka on June 28, 2019. Brendan Smialowski/AFP

Barack Obama's former United Nations ambassador took to social media to point out that former President Donald Trump may have violated the Logan Act if he has in fact spoken with Russian President Vladimir Putin since leaving office, as claimed in a new book.

Former US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy R. Sherman wrote in a post on X that Trump "works for Vladimir Putin; not for the American people." Obama's former UN ambassador Susan Rice then addressed how Trump may have broken the law in doing so.

Rice added, "Additionally, this would seem to be a violation of the Logan Act. Exactly what Trump falsely accused John Kerry of. Another apparent Trump crime."

The Logan Act makes it illegal for an unauthorized American citizen to confer about a dispute between the U.S. and a foreign government. Trump accused former Secretary of State John Kerry of violating the act in 2019.

At the time, Trump said in a White House briefing that Kerry was "talking to Iran" and "telling them what to do" during his "many meetings and many phone calls." According to reporting by CNN, Kerry was, in reality, urging Iranian officials to stay in Obama's proposed Iran Nuclear Deal, which officials knew about.

The allegation against Trump in regard to his ongoing relationship with Putin came to light in journalist Bob Woodward's new book "War". Trump's camp has since denied Woodward's claims.

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