A former resident of Erie, Pennsylvania has confessed to throwing Molotov cocktails at police officers during the May 30 protests in 2020.

Tyvarh Nicholson, 30, has pleaded guilty to possession of an unregistered destructive device charges, a Department of Justice press release reported on Wednesday, Aug. 4.

Nicholson was reportedly part of a group of protestors in Erie who took to the streets on May 30, 2020, to protest the tragic death of George Floyd, whose murder was pivotal in triggering massive worldwide protests against police racial discrimination, according to the Erie Reader.

During the protest on May 30, police officers reportedly used tear gas and mace to quell activists. In the end, Nicholson was among the eight arrested that day. Police said they witnessed him light and throw Molotov cocktails at riot police.

The protests on May 30 continued throughout the summer of 2020 and indirectly led to the conviction of police officer Derek Chauvin, who killed George Floyd after pushing his knee onto Floyd’s throat for nine minutes and 29 seconds, effectively suffocating the man.

Darcie Luikart, an activist from Erie, Pennsylvania, attempted to raise funds to pay for Nicholson’s bail, saying that “as the momentum grew, one of our own black community members, Tyvarh, was arrested for standing his ground and protecting other peaceful protestors.”

“His intentions, as everyone else's, were to unite the greater Erie Community and take a stand against police brutality toward the black community,” Luikart said. It is not known whether she was able to raise enough money to pay for Nicholson’s bail.

According to Go Erie, Nicholson took a plea deal with the federal court to reduce his sentence. His lawyer did not offer up any challenges to the charges put forth by the prosecution regarding his role in the protests.

For the charges of possession of an unregistered destructive device, Nicholson could receive up to a ten-year sentence, or a $250,000 fine, or both. The severity of his sentence depends upon the seriousness of his actions as well as any prior criminal history he may have beforehand.

Nicholson’s sentencing is scheduled for Dec. 13, 2021. He remains incarcerated in federal prison as of this time.

Erie resident Tyvarh Nicholson has pleaded guilty in federal court this Wednesday to throwing a Molotov cocktail at police officers during the May 30 protests in 2020. This is a representational image. AJ Colores/UNSPLASH

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