Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto
Image Reuters

Enrique Peña Nieto, Mexico's new President, suffered another embarrassment today when he couldn't pronounce the word 'epidemiologos' (epistemiologists) during a speech today to celebrate the Day of the Doctor and give out the Award of Medical Merit 2013. The video of the event, in which Peña Nieto stumbles several times over the word, has since gone viral across Mexican social networks. The Mexican President had barely begun his speech to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the health secretary when the word epidemiologos proved impossible to pronounce. In his speech, Peña Nieto began by saying "for over 70 years, doctors, paramedics, nurses and epi...epide..epistemologists, scientists and researchers," the President then, stupped, turned to the audience and said "my apologies for this tongue twister that I've found in the speech." The comment was met with applause from those present.

Enrique Peña Nieto has made such gaffs before while giving a speech: during his electoral campaign and in his first months as President he's stumbled or made emberrassing mistakes several times. The awkward moment has been spread across Mexican social media, as many point out that the word 'epidemiólogos' is hardly the most difficult word to pronounce in the Spanish language. Several people have taken it as further evidence of the President's lack of education and public speaking experience. The event was also attened by the Juan Lopez, Health Secretary, and Jose Narro Robles, the chancellor of the Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) to whom Peña Nieto gave an award. The president also recognized the work of Guillermo Soberón Acevedo and Jesús Kumate, both former Health Secretaries, as well as Dr. Ruy Pérez Tamayo, member of the national college.

President Peña Nieto is building a reputation for making a mess of public speaking. On December 3rd 2011 at the International Book Fair of Guadalajara, he was asked to name three books that had influenced him. The Mexican President could only name the Bible. He then stumbled through a list of others, unable to correctly identify two books and their authors. Other embarrassing moments include not being abel to recal the year of Benito Juarez' birth, not remembering the acronym for the Federal Institute of Access to Information (IFAI) and mistaking the capital of Veracruz among others. There is even a website dedicated to counting the days since his last mistake. It currently stands at 1.

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