Dulce María is having one of the best moments of her life, at least from what she shares on her social networks. The former "Rebelde" star recently confirmed she had found love in Francisco Álvarez, a famous movie director. Both have shared intimate moments with their followers which has caused people to start commenting about their lives.
In a Mexican publication, it was reported that Dulce María was pregnant. The tabloid magazine confirmed they had talked to a friend of the couple and although they were not planning of having children, the surprise was well received. It was allegedly an exciting moment for both that they had told each of their families a baby was on the way. The gossip article even went to the extent of publishing the alleged test results of her pregnancy.
Dulce María has come out and lashed out against TVNotas and debunked those rumors in a serious of tweets.
"LOL Oh God no, what we needed. Obviously I am not pregnant, I really don't know where they get so many lies and defamations," she said.
Jajaja ay no por dios lo q faltaba! Por supuesto que NO estoy embarazada,no sé de verdad de donde sacan tantas mentiras y difamaciones__♀️ pic.twitter.com/STEzsyyK44
— Dulce Maria (@DulceMaria) January 24, 2017
"I don't even know what is in your "note" but it's a LIE and I am shocked to see how you invent and defame everyone with your imagination and bad intentions."
No sé ni que venga en su "nota" pero es MENTIRA y me impresiona ver como inventan y difaman todo en base a su imaginación y mala intención
— Dulce Maria (@DulceMaria) January 24, 2017
"It's the fourth time that this magazine impregnates me. What I don't understand is how with such ease they affirm things based on assumptions and lies."
Es la 4ta vez q me embaraza esa revista,lo q no entiendo es con q facilidad inventan y afirman cosas a base de suposiciones y mentiras
— Dulce Maria (@DulceMaria) January 24, 2017
"I don't know how someone that calls themselves a journalist can work for those types of magazines, I don't know how they can sleep at night."
No sé cómo alguien que trabaje para ese tipo de revistas y "Notas" falsas se puede llamar periodista no sé cómo pueden dormir tranquilos...
— Dulce Maria (@DulceMaria) January 24, 2017
After the series of tweets, Dulce María went on with her life to share a selfie working out, proving she was not pregnant. Let's not forget though, that posting a photo of yourself working out means nothing. Can we remember when pregnancy rumors about Anahí started surfacing? To deny the rumors, she also posted of pictures of herself showing off her abs and days later she finally confirmed she was expecting.
Bueno mientras tanto ,a darle un ratito al GYM #mentesanaencuerposano __ pic.twitter.com/4oCNG16bc9
— Dulce Maria (@DulceMaria) January 24, 2017
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