When a drunk man stepped on his child’s pet he decided to kill and cook it so as to not “waste” it. The incident took a more distressing turn when he threw the rabbit’s severed head at her ex-girlfriend. For the highly distressing incident, Billy Rutter has been given a prison sentence. He already had a restraining order preventing him from approaching his ex-girlfriend.

An unnamed woman was sleeping in her home in Birkenhead, United Kingdom on Feb. 20, 2021, unaware of what her former partner was about to do. Around 5:00 a.m. local time Rutter broke into the woman’s home.

The woman heard shouting downstairs. She heard someone climbing the stairs. Rutter entered the woman’s bedroom and told her that he had killed “it”. The woman eventually realized that the man was talking about her son’s rabbit. She refused to believe what the man was saying. To prove his point, Rutter went back down and returned with something.

Rutter returned with the rabbit's severed head which he threw at the woman, Liverpool Echo reported. The woman managed to leave her home and go to a neighbor’s house. She was unable to find help at the neighbor’s home. She returned to her home to find her then two-year-old son walking downstairs.

She took the child to the kitchen. When she was in the kitchen, she realized there was something in the oven. Opening the oven, she made the harrowing discovery of the family’s pet being cooked. The mother and child escaped from the home while Rutter was still upstairs. The woman called the police. Police arrested Rutter who was evidently drunk.

During the hearing at Liverpool Crown Court, Rutter’s lawyer Paul Davison told the court that the accused had PTSD and dissocial personality disorder. The court heard that the man had stepped on the rabbit when trying to break into the home. When he saw the rabbit in pain, he decided to put it out of its misery. Not wanting to waste the meat, he decided to cook the rabbit.

Rutter has a long list of 18 previous convictions for 36 offenses, the Daily Star reported. He broke up with his partner, with whom he shares a child, in 2019. In June 2020 a restraining order was imposed preventing Rutter from meeting his former partner.

Rutter pleaded guilty to the charges of breaching a restraining order, causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal and common assault. The court sentenced him to a year and three months in prison.

[image for representation purpose only] A man killed his son’s pet rabbit and tried to cook the animal before throwing its severed head at his former partner. Pixabay

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