Rural Irish residents will be permitted drive a motor vehicle following a moderate amount of alcohol. Creative Commons

How do you know the people of Ireland really enjoy their booze? When the government issues drunk driving permits.

The Kerry County Council of Ireland passed an unprecedented law this week after councilors voted 5-3 to allow local police forces to issue drunk driving permits for individuals that have consumed the equivalent of two to three alcoholic drinks. This makes Ireland the only country that made it legal for its rural residents to operate a motor vehicle while intoxicated. That said, the rest of Ireland sets the alcohol limit to 50 mg, or the equivalent of consuming one point of beer.

So what exactly is the idea behind the law?

"A lot of these people are living in isolated rural areas where there's no public transport of any kind, and they end up at home looking at the four walls, night in and night out, because they don't want to take the risk of losing their license," explained Counselor Danny Healy-Rae on Ireland's new proposal.

According to the counselors, the new law will significantly curb the quality of life for elderly people isolated within their rural homes. A drunk driving permit will offer a better life to people that would otherwise become too depressed or too afraid to leave home.

Even though the law has already passed, many oppose the law, including Kerry County Mayor Terry O'Brien. " It is incredibly dangerous," O'Brien explained. "I don't know how anybody can be allowed to say: 'You've had two pints, so you're justified to drive'."

We whole heartedly agree. What's more, what's good is curbing depression if they drink merrily and then get suffer fatal traffic injuries later?