Russian President Vladimir Putin reportedly suffered from "severe nausea" on Saturday evening, spurring doctors on the scene to rush to his bedroom to make sure that he was OK and resparking rumors of ill health for the Russian autocrat.

The report, coming from the popular Russian Telegram channel General SVR, claimed that doctors were rushed to Putin’s bedside in the middle of the night after he complained of "severe nausea" and required medical assistance, according to the Independent.

“Putin on the night of Friday July 22 to Saturday July 23 needed urgent medical care,” the channel said. “At about 1 a.m., the medical workers on duty at [his] residence were summoned to the president. Putin complained of severe nausea. Twenty minutes later, an additional team of doctors with the president’s attending physicians was called.”

Putin, who recently went on a foreign trip to Tehran in order to meet with the leaders of Turkey and Iran, has been dodging ill health rumors for months since the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine war, with the Telegram channel being the major source of unconfirmed Putin health information for many in the West, the New Zealand Herald reported.

“So, it may turn out that 'too healthy' Putin will turn out to be 'too alive' in the foreseeable future,” the channel said.

Putin’s ill health, which has been rumored to be caused by cancer or Parkinson’s disease, reportedly getting worse since this year, has been dismissed by both the Kremlin and the CIA from the United States as factually false.

“There are lots of rumors about President Putin’s health and as far as we can tell he’s entirely too healthy,” CIA Director William Burns said.

“Everything is fine with his health,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said. “You know that Ukrainian information specialists, and American and British ones, have been throwing out various fakes about the state of the president’s health in recent months - these are nothing but fakes.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin is suffering from a renewed bout of ill health rumors after a Telegram channel dedicated against him claimed that he had "severe nausea" on Saturday and had to be seen by doctors in the middle of the night. MIKHAIL KLIMENTYEV/Getty Images.

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