NBC Washington

Three people died in a house fire allegedly started by one victim's former boyfriend, whose escalating acts of domestic violence brought police to the home just hours before the deadly fire began.

Robert Simpson, 53, stands accused of starting a house fire in the early hours of Oct. 6 that would take three lives.

Ronald McKinnon, 64, and Jessica Cunningham, 34 were already dead when D.C. Fire arrived at the burning Southeast D.C. townhome. The third victim, Margaret McKinnon, 85, was rescued from the second floor and taken to the hospital where she died Monday, according to WUSA.

Simpson had previously lived with the victims while romantically involved with Jessica Cunningham, according to an affidavit obtained by WUSA. Prior to the deadly arson, Cunningham implicated Simpson in other incidents of harassment, including a domestic assault that brought police to the resident just hours earlier.

Police reports detailed in the affidavit include an Oct. 2 domestic dispute, and an incident of property destruction two days later, where a window at the home had been broken. Another window was shattered the next day as Simpson allegedly threatened McKinnon, saying "I'ma f-- you and your house up."

The domestic assault reported hours before the house fire was shortly followed by a trash can fire that the targets of Simpson's attacks were able to extinguish.

WUSA reported Cunningham's final moments recorded on a 911 call. "She could be heard screaming, 'He came back,' and pleading for help as the house filled with smoke. She continued coughing until her voice went silent."

According to friends of the victims, Cunningham had been the target of Simpson's harassment for weeks.

Multiple dogs who shared the residence with the victims were found unharmed in the basement and are being cared for by Animal Control.

Simpson is charged with three counts of felony murder and arson.

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