A woman told a judge on Tuesday how on a night 18 years ago she woke up to find actor Danny Masterson raping her.

“He was on top of me,” said the woman, who identified herself on the witness stand as Jen B, reported AP News. “The first thing I recall is grabbing his hair to pull him off," she said during a preliminary hearing in Los Angeles Superior Court.

Jen B. testified that she and the actor were part of the same group of friends who were connected to the Church of Scientology in the late 1990s and early 2000s. She said that on April 25, 2003, she had gone to Masterson’s house to pick up keys.

She said that Masterson had given her a drink with vodka in it, and she felt “blurry" and weak about 20 minutes later. She was too weak to resist when Masterson threw her in his jacuzzi. A mutual friend, Luke Watson, offered her help. “I couldn’t walk or stand, so he put me on the tile on the ground,” said Jen B.

“I said, ‘Luke I can’t see,’ and he said, ‘Open your eyes,’ and I didn’t know my eyes were closed. I couldn’t open my eyelids. I felt really, really sick.”

She testified that Masterson took her upstairs, where she threw up. Later, he put her in his shower. Soon, she began to lose consciousness but was awake to find Masterson applying soap on her bare breasts. She said that she tried to hit him in the face, but was too weak. Then he allegedly put her on bed and raped her.

She said that after she couldn't get Masterson off her, she placed a pillow in his face but he pushed it back on her. Then he threatened her by pulling a gun out of his nightstand drawer.

Masterson's lawyer, Thomas Mesereau, questioned why the gun was not mentioned in a police report she filed the following year. “Do you think that the police just forgot to put it in?” Mesereau said. Mesereau asked Jen B. about inconsistencies between her 2004 police report and a 2003 “knowledge report.”

She agreed that there were differences, but said she tried to be truthful in every case. Jen B. testified that days after the incident, bruises appeared on her wrists and neck area and her genitalia hurt. She said that the leadership of the Church of Scientology discouraged her from going to the police, and pointed out that by policy she would be declared a “suppressive person” if she made a report against a member in good standing.

Still, in June 2004 she went to the police.

In Tuesday’s testimony, Jen B. shared that back in 2004, she was told that her case had been rejected in part because there were too many witnesses against her.

Last June, Masterson was charged with raping three women in separate incidents taking place between 2001 and 2003. According to prosecutors, all of the alleged crimes happened at Masterson's residence, reported PEOPLE. In January, Masterson pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Danny Masterson
Actor Danny Masterson is arraigned on rape charges at Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center on September 18, 2020 in Los Angeles, California. Masterson has been charged with forcibly raping three women on separate occasions between 2001 and 2003. Photo by Lucy Nicholson - Pool/Getty Images

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