Danna Paola made her debut last night on the musical "Hoy No Me Puedo Levantar," that tells its story with Mecano songs, but the actress almost didn't make it as she was rushed to the hospital. "When your body decides to put a stop a night before your debut and it hasn't decided," she wrote on Twitter along with a photo of herself with an IV. She then thanked her fans that were worried about her health writing: "Thank you all for asking, I am out and feeling better. I am happy about our press debut today."
After her debut she said: "I am grateful that you were all here with us. I was in the hospital last night, I had like a shock I think of nerves, excitement, also fatigue, eating, I think it was all, like suddenly my body said 'stop, wait' and we were all worried. Days before her collapes Danna took to her Instagram account to share her emotions about starting the musical. "The feeling of happinees that invades my heart after an incredible week is inexplicable," she wrote. "I am so happy, grateful with the universe por filling me with joy, for gifting me beautiful moments on and off stage, sharing and connecting with life and unique moments, today I enjoy Maria so much. I am truly thankfuly for everyone that joined us this week of premiere full of energy."
Cuando al cuerpo se le ocurre ponerte un alto una noche antes de de tu estreno... y aún no se decide. ??♀️? pic.twitter.com/PpHun1O2Se
— Danna Paola (@dannapaola) July 6, 2017
Danna Paola was most recently starring opposite Aracely Arámbula in the telenovela "La Doña". In the series she played “Mónica,” a lovely young woman from a humble background with a compassionate and optimistic attitude toward life. Mónica is Altagracia’s daughter but was raised by her father, who kept the two of them constantly on the move to stay away from her mother. Despite the responsibility of caring for her invalid father, Mónica has grown into a resourceful and hardworking woman. She makes her living as a street vendor, facing and reflecting the realities of this difficult job, so widespread in Latin America.
The young star has faced controversy during her career. A couple years ago she posted a photo on Instagram where she is seen enjoying life and sipping on coco water. Paola wore a lovely bathing suit and started receiving negative comments from trolls. Paola got annoyed by all the haters and shut them down. "I never said 'my fans,' they more than anybody know how I am," she wrote. "If I am commenting on what they wrote on this photo it's because it's incredible to see that there's so many elitist and ordinary people that write these comments to people, not just public figures, can cause a great emotional damage and especially with rude words in reference to a woman's body."
Danna Paola believed that she received unfavorable feedback because she did not show more skin like many celebrities or people do on the social network. "People are accustomed to seeing other types of pictures and I am not like that," she added. "I am not the type that worries about what people say about my body or my personality, I am happy the way I am and I have always respected my fans."
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