Gay Pride Was Celebrated In June In Mexico
Gay Pride Was Celebrated In June In Mexico Reuters

Colima state In Mexico has recently allowed same sex couples to enter into civil unions. Legislation over same sex marriage or civil unions falls under state authority in Mexico. Each Mexican state has its own set of laws regarding same sex unions.

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Colima joins with the Mexican state, Coahuila in allowing same sex civil unions. Mexico City and Quintana Roo allow same sex marriages. On the flip side of the argument, in 2009 Yucatan banned gay marriage in the state.

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The majority of the Colima Congress voted to allow gay couples to take part in civil unions. Only two members voted against the new law. The two Congress members that voted against civil unions, argued gay couples should be allowed to marry and not be restricted to civil unions.

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The vote to allow civil unions for gay couples in Colima came on the same day Pope Francis made history by saying it was not up to him to judge gay people. Pope Francis said if a gay person has a "good will" with God than he has no right to judge. Pope Francis is quickly being thought of as the Pope that will reform the Catholic Church from within.

Other Latin American countries have also allowed same sex couples to either marry or enter into civil unions. Earlier this year Uruguay legalized same sex marriage. In 2010 Argentina allowed gay marriage. In May the Brazilian Supreme Court allowed same sex couples to enjoy the same benefits and rights granted to married heterosexual couples. Congress still has not legalized gay marriage in Brazil but the legislation passed by the Court should pave the way for them to do so.

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