Ever heard of a poison apple? Well this doctor opted for a poison coffee!
Ever heard of a poison apple? Well this doctor opted for a poison coffee! Creative Commons

How sweet it is...to get your morning coffee with a touch of poison? A Houston oncologist has been accused for poisoning her coworker and apparent lover by adding a sweet-tasting chemical to his coffee. According to the Associated Press, the chemical is used in antifreeze and medical research and caused the man serious health problems after ingesting it.

The doctor who allegedly thought of the poisonous plot is Ana Maria Gonzalez-Angulo, a breast cancer oncologist at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, she has been with aggravated assault against Dr. George Blumenschein, a specialist in lung and head and neck cancers at the institution. The two doctors were in "a casual sexual relationship," according to a criminal complaint.

The criminal complaint also revealed that Blumenschein suffered renal failure, which is the loss of the use of his kidneys. He is still being treated for it following the poisoning, no confirmation has been given if he is back to work yet.

Police believe that Blumenschein was poisoned on Jan. 27, 2013 when he was at Gonzalez-Angulo's home. According to the police report filed, when Blumenschein complained that his coffee tasted sweet, she told him she'd added Splenda and told him to finish it, after which she made him another cup. Blumenschein said both tasted sweet.

After drinking the two cups of coffee, he began experiencing slurred speech, poor balance and a loss of fine motor skills. He was taken to an emergency center, where doctors determined he had central nervous system depression, cardiopulmonary complications and renal failure. He later had to undergo dialysis to treat the kidney failure.

Doctors also performed a 24-hour urine test which found crystals consistent with ethylene glycol poisoning, according to the complaint. The poison was determined to be Ethylene glycol, a solvent and starting material for the synthesis of more complex molecules. Investigators determined Gonzalez-Angulo had access to the substance, as it

She is currently free on $50,000 bail, and her lawyer Derek Hollingsworth, told the Houston Chronicle that she is "completely innocent."

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