Kelsey Williams, the allegedly "chunky" NBA cheerleader, has finally spoken out regarding the recent attacks on her figure by a CBS Houston Sports blogger.
On Wednesday, the Oklahoma City Thunder cheerleader spoke with "Good Morning America" about the controversy regarding her supposedly chubby figure.
"I got online and was reading the article and my heart sank," Williams told "GMA." "I was definitely embarrassed and just devastated."
Williams, however, made no apologies for her figure: "I have always had more of an athletic build, different than the slender ballerina that some people may think of as a dancer," she explained. "That's just not me."
The size-4 Oklahoma City native also said she eats right and works out three to four times a day.
On April 22, a CBS Houston blogger, going by the name "Claire Crawford", posted a poll asking if "this chick is 'too chunky' to be a cheerleader" after watching Williams cheer at an NBA playoffs game between the Thunder and the Houston Rockets. She also mentioned that a number of Oklahoma fans had already suggested Williams had "'pudginess'" around her waistline."
Crawford attempted to cover her tracks by referring to Williams as a "pretty blonde," but originally concluded her post by stating, "Either way, I wish she had a little more up on top, if you know what I mean..."
In response to her accuser, Williams had this to say: "Shame on you. I mean, you are a woman... you know exactly what we all go through on a daily basis just being a woman. Shame on you."
Despite the harsh criticism, Williams says she has no interest in firing back at Crawford, adding, "I have so much love in me. Sending hate her way would do nothing... what's done is done. I'm just going to keep my chin up."
No retaliation, however, may be needed on the part of Williams. ABCNews.com reported that a spokesperson for CBS Radio confirmed the blogger, whose real name is Anna-Megan Raley, according to the Houston Chronicle, was fired after the incident, and the original post has been removed from the site.
Cheerleader Kelsey Williams Criticized for being 'Too Chunky' By Female CBS Sports Blogger Claire Crawford
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