Map of Chechnya
Chechnya, a republic recently seceded from Russia, is the country of origin of the Boston bombings suspects. Screenshot/Google Maps

As news pour about the whereabouts and background of the brothers Tsarnaev, the alleged minds behind the Boston Marathon bombings, we take a look to their native land: Chechnya.

Here is what you need to know:

1. Chechnya is in the southwest of Russia

The region shares a border with Georgia, and is 1,000 miles south of Moscow. Its population is estimated to be between 600,000 and 800,000, divided between Sunni Muslims and Russian Orthodox Christians.

2. Chechnya's first attempt at independence was in 1921

It was reclaimed by the USSR back then, but Chechnya has repeatedly attempted to gain independence. Former Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed a ceasefire with the separatists in 1996, but violence came back to the region in 1999.

3. Since 2000, Chechen separatists have repeatedly attacked targets across Russia

Moscow has been the most harmed city, suffering a hostage-taking raid in Moscow's theater in 2002, which killed 129; a suicide bomber in a rock concert in 2003; and a bomb in Moscow's subway in 2004.

4. Grozny, the Chechen capital, started to rebuild in 2006... but it's still under fire

The New York Times reported the start of reconstruction operations in Grozny and surrounding towns. However, there have been numerous attacks since then.

5. Russia gave up their counterterrorism operation in the area in 2009

In an attempt to normalize life in the region, then Russian President Ramzan Kadyrov called an end to their fight against the indepence-pro violent groups.

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