Cat Island
Cats rest on the famed "Cat Island," known formally as Tashiro-jima in the Miyagi Perfecture in Japan. The island is home to more cats than humans. Creative Commons

It's a cat person's dream come true. The island of Tashiro-jima in the Miyagi Perfecture of Japan has an exponentially growing cat population. And the residents like it that way.

The island is home to about 100 permanent, human residents, most of whom are older than 65. There are hundreds of friendly cats that roam the island in search of scraps or affection from visitors. The island is also home to 51 cat-shaped monuments, 10 cat shrines and scores of cat-shaped homes, complete with "ears" on the roofs, Yahoo News reported.

It's rumored that cats began appearing on the island in the 1800s, when a fisherman used it as an overnight resting place. Cats would beg him for scraps back on the mainland. He eventually grew fond of them and began to bring them over with him. It eventually forged a belief that the cats could determine weather and fish patterns. It was said that keeping the cats fed and happy would bring fishermen wealth and good fortune, the Epoch Times reported. A more feasible idea is that the cats were transported to the island as a means of pest control near the island's silkworm farms.

The island is accessible by ferry. Visitors can have their fill of feeding and petting the personable felines. Dogs are prohibited on the island, according to a 2009 article in the Sankei News. According to tourism websites, the 2011 earthquake and tsunami destroyed a handful of homes and inundated villages.

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