Just last week, Carlos Santamaría Díaz received three diplomas for taking Biochemistry and Molecular Biology courses in one of Mexico’s most prestigious universities, UNAM at only 9 years old. Díaz not only completed the highly complicated classes, but he aced them! The prodigy boy got a 10 in “Protein Structures,” an 8 in “Protein Purification Methods and Analysis,” and a 9 in “Molecular Biology Principals and Protein Expression.” His parents, Arcelia and Fabián say the know their child has special cognitive abilities and helped him out during the 140 hours of the course.
Now, Carlos has been invited as a concurrent guest, three times a week, to the Mathematics Department at the Chemistry Faculty of the University. “It’s not only for academic purposes, but also to see how he adapts to a degree course and how he’s perceived by his professors, while we, as parents, also evaluate how he is doing,” Fabián explained. His mom, Arcelia, said that she is at ease with Carlos getting involved at the University since he continues to take his 5th grade courses online.
“I have three diplomas; one for each module. I was a little nervous when I started but on the second week I felt much more at ease. These three modules have been… not sure how to say it; Ive been really good,” Carlos said.
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