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A woman got detained after giving birth to a baby girl in Mexico on Monday. After giving birth, the new mother was detained at a bus checkpoint in southeastern Mexico along with 140 other migrants.

On Monday, another group of migrants was found in the same area in a trailer truck, reported Reuters.

According to a statement by the National Migration Institute (INM), the mother and her daughter were taken to a hospital after being detained.

The new mother was among a group of migrants, mostly Guatemalans, who were found on the bus in the Gulf state of Veracruz. The statement said that the group also had 26 minors who were not accompanied by adults.

The INM said that the woman gave birth with the "help of those that traveled with her, who cut the umbilical cord."

One of the men who was detained said that they helped the woman and told her to "push so the baby would come out."

The man shared that then they gave their sweaters, but she kept asking about the baby. He said that they "could see she was scared."

The mother was later seen holding the baby in a purple blanket and a surgical cover.

Before this, the institute reported on Monday that another 130 migrants from Guatemala had been detained in a truck in the same state. And 19 of them were reported to be minors who had come without their parents or family members, according to NBC News.

The journey to the U.S. through Mexico is often dangerous for migrants. Over 50 migrants died in 2022 in a truck in Texas. It was the worst human smuggling tragedy that happened in recent U.S. history.

On May 11, Title 42, America's coronavirus pandemic-era policy to turn away most migrants at the border expired. A new set of rules have left an unknown future for migrants who are hoping to go to America, reported NPR.

Shelters in Mexico's northern border cities like Ciudad Juárez, Matamoros and Tijuana are overcrowded now.

The confusion and uncertainty for migrants have put pressure on relief services across the country.

Recently, Sister Magdalena Silva, director of CAFEMIN, which is a nonprofit shelter, had to turn away many families with babies.

Now, stays at the shelter are limited to one week. That means many of the migrants will be back to sleeping on the street.

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