Fighter Jet
Britain has fighter jests escort plane from Pakistan screen shot,

On Friday, Britain scrambled fighter jets to escort a plane traveling from Lahore, Pakistan to Manchester, England.

There were more than 300 people on board the plane when Britain scrambled the jets to intercept it. Two passengers were arrested when the plane touched down. It was diverted from its original route heading to Manchester and landed at Stansted Airport, northeast of London, the Washington Post says.

The Essex Police issued a statement about the diverted plane on their website. The statement said,

"At 1:20 pm on Friday, May 24, 2013 Essex Police were notified that a threat had been made to the safety of an aircraft-a Boeing 777 airliner which was flying from Lahore to Manchester."

The statement goes on to say, "The plane touched down at 2:15pm and once it had been directed to a safe location, police officers then entered the aircraft and arrested two suspects."

The Essex Police say the incident is being treated as a criminal offense and will not comment further. The Washington Post says the two arrested men threatened a flight attendant. Fox News reports that the two men attempted to rush toward the cockpit.

By late afternoon, Fox News said the rest of the passengers were allowed to disembark the plane and were questioned about the incident.

British security has been amped up following the deadly suspected terror attack in London. A British soldier was attacked by two men with meat cleavers in the middle of the street. The two suspects in that attack were shot and hospitalized by police.

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