Bride Says Her Sister's Messy Drunken Breakdown Ruined Her Wedding
Kari Bjorn/Unsplash

A new bride says her little sister's 'flair for drama' ruined what should have been the best day of her life and instead of an apology, she got a request to pay for therapy.

In a post to r/AITAH, an 'Am I The A-hole' subreddit for interpersonal conflict, the 29-year-old woman describes the messy outburst from her sister and maid of honor. She recalls a day of smooth sailing up to the reception, where her sister "gets wasted, like, falling-over, crying, causing-a-scene wasted."

AITA for refusing to pay for my sister's therapy after she ruined my wedding? Reddit u/Letterhead612

The maid of honor proceeded to openly rant in front of guests and the bride's new in-laws, complaining that her big sister "always gets everything" and that the wedding is "just another example of (her) being the 'golden child.'"

"It gets worse," the post continues. "She actually grabs the mic during the speeches and starts going off about her 'struggles' and how it's not fair that I'm happily married while she's single. At my wedding."

"The whole vibe turned awkward, and my husband's family was just... shocked," she claims. "People started leaving early, and I spent the rest of the night trying to put out fires instead of enjoying what was supposed to be our special day."

With the tumultuous day behind them, she says she's still angry with her sister, who has yet to apologize. Now she's questioning if she's 'the A-hole,' not because of her sisters accusations or her anger, but because her parents want her to pay for her sister to see a therapist.

"My parents say my sister is struggling with her mental health (no kidding), and they want me to pay for her therapy," she writes. "Their reasoning is that since I'm the 'successful' one, I should help out, and it would show that I'm a good sister."

The poster would prefer to see her sister take accountability, but her parents continue to pressure her, calling her "cold-hearted."

Readers resoundingly deemed her "NTA," condemning the behavior of her sister and the parents request for financial support.

Multiple comments pointed out that the big sister didn't seem to be receiving the 'golden child' treatment her sister accused her of getting. "Clearly SHE is the golden child. Your parents can foot the bill for her jealousy, insecurities, unhinged behavior and appalling manners," said one.

Bride Says Her Sister's Messy Drunken Breakdown Ruined Her Wedding
Reddit u/canonrobin

"'NO' is a complete sentence! Honestly, did they enable this behavior all her life?" read one call for the parents to show accountability. "In no universe should you have to pay for her therapy! Why didn't one of them get her out when it became apparent she was wasted?"

Reddit u/rigbysgirl13

Many said they would go 'no contact' with the parents if they were in a similar situation, recommending, "Tell your parents to kick rocks." With another Redditor adding, "Your parents can sort out this self-inflicted dumpster fire."

The Reddit post has tapped into strong feelings about sibling dynamics, receiving thousands of comments and nearly 8,000 upvotes in the nine hours it's been posted.

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