Catherine Banks t-shirt
Catherine Banks t-shirt NBC Bay Area / YouTube

A Delta Airlines passenger was ordered to take her shirt off and sit in the back of the plane due to the "threatening" nature of her shirt's message, according to a report.

Marine Corps veteran Catherine Banks was preparing to fly out of San Francisco International Airport when a Delta flight attendant asked her to exit the plane because of her T-shirt, which had the words, "Do not give in to the war within. End veteran suicide."

"A male flight attendant was saying, 'Ma'am, ma'am.' I looked around, like, 'Who was he talking to?' And it was me. He said, 'You need to get off the plane,' and I was like, 'What did I do?'" Banks told NBC Bay Area.

Despite Banks trying to explain her military background and connection to the shirt, the flight attendant insisted it violated Delta's attire policy, NBC Bay Area reported.

"He said that shirt you're wearing is threatening," Banks said. "I said, 'Are you kidding me? I'm a Marine Corps vet. I'm going to see my Marine sister. I've been in the Marine Corps for 22 years and worked for the Air Force for 15 years. I'm going to visit her.' He said, 'I don't care about your service, and I don't care about her service. The only way you're going to get back on the plane is if you take it off right now.'"

The incident follows previous controversies involving Delta's dress code guidelines, many of which involve asking women to cover up or change their clothing.

The ordeal delayed the flight, causing Banks to miss her connecting flight and leaving her feeling humiliated.

Delta Airlines has yet to comment on the situation.

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