Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has received the death penalty by lethal injection following the Boston Marathon bombing trial. After the jury deliberated for more than 14 hours they sentenced the only surviving Boston bomber to death. CNN reports that Bill and Denise Richards, parents of the 8-year-old victim Martin, did not want death for the bomber. When the verdict was read in court, the 21-year-old delinquent did not have a visible reaction. Tsarnaev was an accomplice to the horrific bombings to his older brother, a Muslim radical, that died shortly after.
Sydney Corcoran, one of the victims' relatives took to Twitter to react to the news of Tsarnaev execution. She wrote: "My mother and I think that NOW he will go away and we will be able to move on. Justice. In his own words, 'an eye for an eye.'" On social media the public opinion has been divided with many people opposed to the death penalty. "I'm against the death penalty bc it's easy. I want to see criminals spend a lifetime in prison," one user wrote. A user on the opposite end of the argument wrote: "I fall into the opposing side on this one. I am and always have been for the death penalty if circumstance warrants it." Read more reactions down below and tell us if you think justice was served!
I hope the Boston Bomber verdict provides some sense of justice to those hurt and the families of those killed.
- Trevor Donovan (@TrevDon) May 15, 2015
The Boston bomber has been sentenced to death by lethal injection. It's God's job to forgive terrorists. And we just arranged the meetin'.
— Cloyd Rivers (@CloydRivers) May 15, 2015
great job guys now that we're done with the boston bomber maybe we can move onto the actor who raped 50 women
— Sarah Beattie (@nachosarah) May 15, 2015
The death sentence against #Tsarnaev is more about an eye for an eye than justice in the 21st century
— Harry Leslie Smith (@Harryslaststand) May 15, 2015
Tsarnaev will probably stay in the news for years as his lawyers appeal his death sentence in perpetuity.
— Matt Pearce (@mattdpearce) May 15, 2015
My tears were shed for the lives he took... I shed no tears for #Tsarnaev and his death sentence. #LetJusticeBeDone
— Killer Bunny Sam J. (@PolitiBunny) May 15, 2015
Worth saying again and again: I oppose the death sentence unequivocally and everywhere.
— Mona Eltahawy (@monaeltahawy) May 15, 2015
How does someone get the death penalty in a state that doesn't have the death penalty?
— Lord Tarifick (@TaRafiq) May 15, 2015
Just so it's on the record: If someday my murderer goes in front of a jury, imposing the death penalty would be *against* my wishes.
— John Mark Ockerbloom (@JMarkOckerbloom) May 15, 2015
I will never believe in the death penalty.
— ❂♡Jess☯ૐ (@Bieber_Chadwick) May 15, 2015
hrm... Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was sentenced to death... He committed a horrible crime, but I don't agree with the death penalty...
— Erika J (@xevrem) May 15, 2015
OK, he got the death penalty. So we don't need to hear about his life other than he chose to kill innocent people who came to watch a race.
— Myandra is Mesmeric (@naughtywriter2) May 15, 2015
The only good that comes from death penalty is he won't b allowed conjugal visits. #Tsarnaev
— Cat West (@catawu) May 15, 2015
I'm against the death penalty bc it's easy. I want to see criminals spend a lifetime in prison.
— Divine Me (@emthedivine) May 15, 2015
In Islamic law in the case of murder, if victim's family is given the option of death penalty and they agree then it is allowed #Tsarnaev
— Shahrukh Wani (@shahrukhwani1) May 15, 2015
The death penalty is a great way for America to show the world that we aren't grown ups
— Jaydeep Bardhan (@jbardhan) May 15, 2015
i dont understand how ppl can support the death penalty i get that there r horrible ppl who do horrible things but they dont deserve to die
— trash (@faculaee) May 15, 2015
I'm sorry about all the death penalty stuff I just retweeted it just really upsets me that The Law has the power to put someone to death.
— teri bug (@SamwellBabes) May 15, 2015
I don't understand how the death penalty doesn't fall under cruel and unusual behavior smh this country is something else
- The Prince of Boston (@princericosuave) May 15, 2015
I fall into the opposing side on this one. I am and always have been for the death penalty if circumstance warrants it.
— Hal_is_back (@_Halawia) May 15, 2015
I didn't realise the death penalty was still a thing in the western world...
- Sobers (@SimplySobers) May 15, 2015
#deathpenalty not enough for #tsarnaev. Give him all the pain of his victims and families. Then he will see there's no god. #atheist.
— Ренат Нигматзянов (@Renat020) May 15, 2015
#Tsarnaev getting the death penalty will probably be viewed as martyrdom in some circles. #bostonstrong , always and forever.
— i never follow-back (@ATHEIST_Blessed) May 15, 2015
Apathetic towards death penalty. On one hand the state shouldn't be able to kill people like that. On the other some ninjas deserve to die .
— Mikey (@SuperMikey_) May 15, 2015
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