New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez (D) Speaks From A Lectern
Senator Bob Menendez, D-N.J., speaks from a lectern. Creative Commons

Embattled Senator Robert Menendez, D-N.J., is now allegedly a subject of a grand jury probe for his role in interfering with a major donor's relationship with a Latin American government. MediaIte is reporting the investigation is "examining his role in advocating for the business interests of a wealthy donor and friend."

Bob Menendez's friend is the democratic senator's donor Dr. Salomon Melgen of Florida. The Washington Post reported he sought "to apply pressure to the Dominican government to honor a contract with Melgen's port-security contract."

In turn, Melgen allegedly treated Senator Menendez to gratis plane flights and respites at his vacation home in the Central American country. Menendez claims he wrote a $58,000 personal check for the plane trips, but the Senate Ethics Committee is investigating the incident as well.

The FBI is allegedly interviewing Dominican officials about Bob Menendez's supposed role in the entire debacle.

This inquiry is now added on top of another investigation alleging Bob Menendez and Dr. Melgen were involved in a prostitution ring in the Dominican Republic. The Latin Times previously reported on the story here.

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