Blue Angels
The Blue Angels fly in formation over Andrews Air Force Base in Camp Springs, Md. Reuters

The Blue Angels have been grounded for at least the remainder of 2013 and possibly longer. The Navy cited the sequestration cuts, which are really only a decrease in the increase in spending for this fiscal year, as the main reason one of America's most iconic air shows will become dormant. The Air Force's stunt team also grounded their performances for the rest of the year. John Cudahy, the president of the International Council of Air Shows told FOX News that "The Blue Angels are the Rolling Stones of the air show world, and losing them ... is a crushing blow [to the] industry [and] thousands of fans."

The Blue Angels' grounded performances include the Naval Academy's graduation, and will affect military aircrews' currency to fly combat missions. After three months of being grounded, airmen must undergo just under that amount of re-training to become mission ready once again, according to the Air Force. Many see the Blue Angels being grounded as less of a fiscal casualty and more of an ongoing political game in Washington. After Obama announced figurative financial Armageddon in the run up to the March Sequester bill, as covered by the Latin Times, a number of iconic government entities suspiciously began to close down.

First, there were rumors floating of delaying a number of National Park Spring openings. Next, the White House cancelled tours, which account for a minute part of the national budget. President Obama ignored New York billionaire Donald Trump's heartfelt offer to fund the educational opportunities a White House tour gives visitors to Washington.

Now, the Blue Angels have been grounded. The news comes less than a day after a taxpayer-funded "Memphis Soul" bash at the White House, at which the Obamas greeted numerous soul and R&B personalities and allegedly allowed PBS to film the event for later broadcast. President Obama hosted yet another private event on taxpayers' dime while allegedly forcing other government agencies to cut back. While Americans do love their barbecue, the Blue Angels are an act the world watches.

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