Beyonce is a musician, an actress, an entrepreneur, a philanthropist, and she is even BFF's with Michelle Obama. Today, our fabulous Queen Bey has traded in her 1959 Rolls Royce Silver Cloud II Convertible for a Toyota. No, that last one is a lie.
Beyonce is the face of Toyota's latest commercial for the Chinese market. The new Toyota "Get Going" campaign celebrates the "go-getter" spirit that is so popular in China's younger demographic.
In the 30 second ad spot, we see Beyonce's journey to superstardom as Bey recounts her childhood, her music and ballet lessons, and even the moment she wrote "Survivor" for Destiny's Child. Finally, we see Beyonce blossom into the icon she is today. The diva says: I don't let the world decide for me. I decide for me. I decide to GET GOING."
While the execution of Beyonce's new Toyota commercial is as flawless as her concert performances, are we really supposed to believe that Beyonce would drive a Toyota like the rest of us peasants? Watch Queen Bey's commercial below and tell us what you think: