Although many people would consider fruits and vegetables a good enough diet, this is not exactly true since the animal protein really contributes in performing vital metabolic functions.
When we speak of meat, we can refer to beef, pork, veal, etc. All those are rich in fat, and thus should not be eaten in excess. The key is to rather consume low-fat meats prepared in the healthiest way possible, by avoiding frying it, as this can increase its fat content. Instead, grill it!
Meat is rich in proteins: Our need of protein is an important one, as it improves our well-being helping to repair and build tissues, not to mention the protection against infections thanks to an increase in the antibody production. This source of protein contains all the essential amino acids, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which recommends the consumption of about 50 grams of protein a day.
Iron, zinc and selenium are also there: Iron is essential in forming the hemoglobin, which, in turn, transports oxygen to each and every corner of our bodies and is good for the DNA production and immune function, while zinc improves the metabolism, and selenium cuts down the risk of cancer by reducing fat and other chemicals. Meat is also a good source of other minerals, like magnesium and potassium. According to the San Francisco Gate, the Mayo Clinic recommends a 3-ounce piece of red meat.
Vitamin A, B and D can be easily found in meat and are used by the body to produce energy, improving your vision, and making your teeth and bones stronger. As those vitamins also act in the central nervous system, your mental health is guaranteed.
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