Barbara Mori Returns To TV With 'Dos Lunas'
After more a nine year break from television Barbara Mori is back starring and producing in the MundoFOX series, "Dos Lunas." MundoFOX

Barbara Mori is best known to Hispanic audiences as "Rubí," the popular telenovela based on an original story by Yolandas Vargas Dulché. After this series, the 36-year-old actress took a break from the small screen and focused on film starring in movies like "La Mujer De Mi Hermano," "Spanish Beauty," "Kites" and "1 A Minute." Following a more than nine year break from television, Mori is back starring and producing in a new MundoFOX series titled "Dos Lunas." The story has Soledad as the central character who, by day, is a psychologist capable of immersing herself in the deepest corners of her patients' minds and, by night, becomes Luna, a mysterious and sensual DJ in Mexico City's nightlife. At the center of it all is Bruno (Leonardo Sbaraglia) who forms a love triangle with Soledad and Luna. Soledad treats Ana, Bruno's 9-year-old daughter who refuses to speak to him after the mysterious death of her mother. Luna, becomes Bruno's lover after one of her late-night escapades. One seduces him while the other makes him fall in love, and from this intriguing love triangle, a deep secret will come to light.

The first episode of "Dos Lunas" portrays the reality of today's society, one where a small girl terrorizes a school with a hand in gun. The scenario seems to be taken out of a page from the real world and it is topics like these that are discussed in the Argos and Fox produced show that enrich the story lines. "The series talks about terrorism in schools and people will connect with it," Barbara Mori said in an exclusive interview with LatinTimes. "The audience will also connect with the more humane part, where we are all fractured with things from our past that have left a scar and that now complicate our relationships with our significant other, our parents, our children. The series tries to delve into one's interior to those problems. Like for example, Soledad in each episode treats a different case, a different patient with a distinct pathology. Society pictures a nymphomaniac as a prostitute, an easy woman that wants to sleep around with many men, but then we see this character and how it affects her and how her life is in danger on a day by day basis. Soledad is there to come into her world and make this person heal and to learn to live with this pathology without risking her life. Many people will identify with the different characters that live to the limit and this dual personality that is often within us."

For the Uruguayan-born artist playing two characters was no easy task as they are polar opposites but Mori revealed that both women were somewhat inspired by her. "Both characters came out from me, this duality that we all have as humans that want to do everything and take risks, but we also have this other part that tells you 'if you do this you can lose your job,' and we always have this constant battle," she said. "Soledad Garcia, is a well-prepared psychologist that loves what she does and likes to help other people. I am like that as well, very passionate and committed to what I do. Soledad has a double personality disorder that comes from a dark past and just like her I have a past that has marked me and throughout my path I have healed some of these wounds. Luna, is this part that comes from darkness and this seductress part in me. Luna comes to destroy Soledad's world and explore this daring part of her with no fear."

"Dos Lunas" also marks the debut of Barbara Mori as a television producer. "I had been nine years away from television and I wanted to come back but with something different," she revealed. "I made a halt and asked myself, "who am I beyond a famous actress that everybody knows, beyond what people expect from me? What are Barbara's dreams?' When I made this pause in my life I found many things that I wanted to share and take it to the small screen. I started creating this project with my associate Juan Manuel Borbolla and Sergio Guerrero, who also directs the series, with our company LUA Producciones and Natassja Ybarra, a very talented young woman. I finally called Ana Celia Urquidi and Epigmenio [Ibarra] and they opened up Argos' doors for me and we started the process. Soon after MundoFOX came in and my dream became a reality. This took about two and a half years, that has been difficult and more so in this country, but it has been worth all the struggle after seeing it complete."

"Producing is not something I like," she continued. "I love acting because it allows me to create and explore my artistic side. You don't know how much it excites me, I enjoy it and I am profoundly happy when I am acting. Not so much when I have to take time to talk about budgets and money, lower costs and shooting locations. I have learned everything from Argos, which is not that easy, especially for someone that doesn't like to talk about money and all of this that has nothing to do with my creative side. Once I begin to transform and create these characters I start to go back into this world that I am so passionate about." "Dos Lunas" premieres on Saturday, May 3 at 10pm/9c on MundoFOX. Are you excited to see Barbara Mori on television again?

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