A secret affair between Beyoncé and Barack Obama sounds like a bad tabloid story, right? Well, maybe not. The French media is seemingly convinced that Queen Bey has been engaged in a relationship with none other than the President of the United States. The story was published by France’s second largest newspaper, le Figaro, after being first heard in a radio interview with a French paparazzo named Pascal Rostain on Europe 1.
The story, which seems incredibly insane, has been gaining some credible momentum, according to Gawker, Rostain stated, “You know, at this time, the United States, there is something big that is happening. Anyway, it'll go out tomorrow in the Washington Post—we cannot say that it is the gutter press—[a story about] an alleged affair between President Barack Obama and Beyoncé. I can assure you that the world will be talking about it." Despite Rostain’s statement the Washington Post has confirmed to Poynter that the paper is most certainly not working on publishing the unsubstantiated rumor regarding Obama and Beyoncé. And while the Post says, “it’s defiantly not true” that the paper is publishing this story, the French media is still planning on publishing. The story has been picked up by Gala, which is reporting that in addition to his affair with Beyoncé, Obama and wife Michelle are headed for a divorce.
The timing of this dubious rumor is the most suspicious piece of evidence. French President François Hollande currently finds himself in the midst of his own cheating scandal. Hollande recently spilt with his partner of seven years, journalist Valérie Trierweiler, following reports that he was engaged in an affair with a much younger French actress. Hollande is also travelling to the United States this week to met with both President Obama and the First Lady, Michelle. The pair jointly wrote an op-ed, which was published by the Washington Post; the op-ed stated that the United States and France must maintain a clos relationship in order to keep a mutually beneficial existence between countries.
And while’s Rostain’s comments could certainly be an attempt to take some of the heat off of Hollande, le Figaro did confirm that while the paparazzo is in fact a “filou,” there is always some truth to what he says.
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