Barack Obama might no longer be the President of the United States but that does not mean that he and his wife Michelle Obama have totally excluded from being subjects in the rumor mill. The latest issue floating around is that the former first couple might be on the brink of divorce.
The latest Barack-Michelle Obama divorce rumor came from Globe magazine, according to Gossip Cop. In an article titled “Barack Slaps Michelle With Divorce Demand,” the publication claimed that the former president is tired of their marriage after a series of fights.
Michelle was reportedly already planning to file for divorce but her husband beat her to it. “Michelle had divorce papers drawn up by her lawyers, and the word is Barack has taken things a step further by serving Michelle with papers of his own,” Globe quoted an unnamed insider.
The former first lady was supposedly shocked but she has something up her sleeve. “She was shocked, as you can imagine,” the insider added. “But now she’s conspiring with her lawyers to squeeze Barack for as much money as she can.”
However, the former president is not keen on giving in to his wife’s demands. Michelle can support herself because she has a law degree and can go back to the workforce anytime she wants.
Globe claimed that Barack was photographed in a speaking engagement in Germany without wearing his wedding rings. Michelle reportedly retaliated by posting her pic on Instagram sans her ring as well, which might suggest that things between the two are not getting any better.
However, Gossip Cop judged the story to be “ridiculous.” The fact-checking site pointed out that Barack has the habit of taking off his ring during public events “to avoid having anything happen to it” while Michelle removed hers because she was working out with heavyweights.
Gossip Cop also pointed out that the Obama divorce rumors have regularly made their rounds in the past few years, all of which have been debunked as untrue. For instance, Radar Online reported din 2017 that Barack wanted to “cut loose and party” without Michelle and that he “yanked off his wedding ring.”
Back then, Gossip Cop wrote that Radar Online’s premise is simply outlandish. Time has likewise proved that the story, as well as other similar rumors for that matter, is untrue because Barack and Michelle are still married to this day.

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