Desiree and Brooks during happier times, before Brooks dramatically dumped Des on last night's finale in Antigua.
Desiree and Brooks during happier times, before Brooks dramatically dumped Des on last night's finale in Antigua. ABC

Wow! That was one of the most emotional episodes of reality TV we have watched yet! On last night’s episode, “The Bachelorette” Desiree Hartstock is left crying after being dumped by “the only one she really loved,” Brooks.

Part 1 of “The Bachelorette” finale left us shocked, after eliminating 22 potential new love interests Desiree was down to her final 3, Drew Kenney, Chris Siegfried and Brooks Forester. But apparently she only really had eyes for one of the three, Brooks. Both Drew and Chris are head over heels in love with Desiree, although she was “saving her heart” for Brooks, unfortunately he was just saving his time till he could dump her.

The finale takes place in Antigua, where apparently is not as romantic as we assumed it would be. Desiree revealed, “I love Brooks and I miss him every day that I’m not with him. If he got on one knee now and proposed to me I would definitely say yes.” And while Desiree was hearing wedding bells, Brooks was getting cold feet. Before jetting off to Antigua, Brooks who has yet to tell Desiree he loves her, confides in his mother and sister about his reservations.

“The idea of me proposing to her at the end of this makes me really uncomfortable,” admitted Brooks, who according to Life & Style cheated on his previous girlfriend with a 51-year-old woman. His mother provided sound but harsh advice, “Don’t propose if you have any doubt at all.”

But Brooks was so unsure about his relationship with Desiree that even before seeking his family’s advice, he sat down with “The Bachelorette” host, Chris Harrison to talk. Brooks revealed that his relationship with Desiree has been “emotional” and “agonizing.” Harrison then prodded the 28-year-old sales rep asking him if he was in fact going to propose to Desiree if he received the final rose. Brooks responded, “I don’t feel it…and I don’t feel like I am going to feel it.” It seems like Brooks hasn’t felt anything with Desiree for a long time, we are just wondering while he waited till she fell in love with him to let her know.

While conversing with Harrison, it seems that Brooks has reached his final conclusion to dump Desiree. “It’s heavy. It’s really consumed my thoughts all week. No matter what I do there’s going to be tears and heartbreak and it’ll be my fault. In spite of my best efforts I’m not in love with her, and you cannot force a thing like love.”
And when Brooks finally broke the news to the 27-year-old Bachelorette, she was nearly inconsolable, only managing to mutter “Why, why? Stop it. I don’t know what to say, I love you. You’re the only one. You are breaking my heart.”

Brooks was apparently shocked by Desiree’s affection and love towards him, saying “I’m surprised at the love that she has for me. I wasn’t expecting that.”
And after Brooks left Desiree with Drew and Chris in Antigua, it seems nothing will be the same for “The Bachelorette,” “It throws everything off having Brooks gone, honestly, for me it’s over…I just want to go home.”

But maybe Desiree is overlooking her other two potential options, Drew and Chris really seem to be in love with Desiree. Who do you think Desiree should pick on the finale of “The Bachelorette?” Maybe Desiree won’t pick anyone. Comment below and let us know what you think!

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