Last Friday, Mexico’s attorney general, Jesus Murillo Karam gave a press conference where the 43 missing students from Ayotzinapa were declared dead after being taken by the local police of Iguala, killed by order of then mayor, Luis Abarca and then burned to ashes along with the police officer’s clothes. The remains were allegedly put in six large garbage bags and thrown into a river nearby. Since the bodies were basically burnt to ashes, the detection of DNA on the remains found in the site will prove to be a challenge, as stated by the experts brought in from Austria to analyze what was found. The very matter-of-fact conference ended on an even less humane note when Murillo Karam said that was it as "I'm tired already." The phrase resulted in an immediate trending topic which went by the hashtag #yamecansé.
Celebrities and public figures took to social media, as the people of Mexico (and the world) stood united to express their outrage and sadness about the country’s situation and their condolences for what the families are going through.
Mi solidaridad con la familia de los estudiantes desaparecidos!
— Galilea Montijo (@GalileaMontijo) November 7, 2014
Para un padre, una hipótesis sobre lo q le sucedió a un hijo nunca es suficiente, se necesitan pruebas IRREFUTABLES! #AyotzinapaSomosTodos
— Alejandro Martí (@Alejandro_Marti) November 7, 2014
Ni uno más, ni un estudiante más condenado a la hoguera por pensar, por desear para su gente un futuro mejor #DespiertaMéxicoYA
— Claudia Lizaldi (@ClaudiaLizaldi) November 8, 2014
Entre tanta confusión, unas cosas nos quedan claras: demasiados homicidios, pocas respuestas y verdades dolorosísimas para México.
— ximena Sarinana (@ximenamusic) November 7, 2014
pic.twitter.com/HDePpv7k9v Zócalo 8pm Marcha #YaMeCansé #AcciónGloblalAyotzinapa
— Barbara Mori (@Delamori) November 8, 2014
Esta tiene que ser una de las noches más tristes de México...
— JORGE RAMOS (@jorgeramosnews) November 8, 2014
Mis condolencias a las familias de los 43 normalistas. Soy madre, soy mexicana y me duele en el alma mi país. #AyotzinapaSomosTodos
— JACKY BRACAMONTES (@jackybrv) November 8, 2014
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