The most popular manga and anime series has finally announced the arrival of its first live-action movie. The "Attack on Titan" live-action movie will feature two parts. The first part will arrive to theaters in Japan on August 1. The "Attack on Titan" live-action part two will arrive September 19.
Last week, Crunchyroll shared the very first "Attack on Titan" live-action trailer, which featured an incredible first glimpse of the Walled City. The 30-second trailer certainly demonstrates just how epic the new live-action films will be as it immediately shows scenes of the people within the Walled City fleeing for their lives as titans break through and destroy the city.
Of course, we also get to see the badass Survey Corps, Garrison, and Military Police members that are sworn to protect humanity. "Attack on Titan" protagonist Eren will be played by Haruma Miura. Eren's childhood friend Mikasa is played by actress Kiko Mizuhara. Kanata Hongo plays Armin, Miura Takahiro plays Jean, Nanami Sakuraba plays Sasha, and Ishihara Satomi will play Hanji.
According to DailyDot, the movie will also introduce a new ensemble of characters, starting with a character named Shikishima. In a poster, Shikishima is known as "humanity's strongest," which ties him in with Levi Ackerman from the manga. Shikishima will be played by actor Hiroki Hasegawa.
Be sure to check out the trailer as well as all the character stills below. Don't miss the appearance of the terrifying Colossal Titan at the 26-second mark! "Attack on Titan" live-action part 1 arrives to Japanese theaters on August 1. Part 2 release date is September 19.
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