Kortney Hause of Aston Villa spills the harrowing details of a 2018 incident that had him running from thugs who intended to rob and kidnap him on Boxing Day. The 26-year-old defender for the Birmingham-based football club has opened up about the terrifying ordeal in a two-part documentary.
According to Birmingham Live, the Aston Villa defender revealed the horrific attack for the first time in the second part of the documentary titled "PowerHause Journey ft. Kortney." The incident took place while he was out shopping in London, which was close to his family home in Essex. Hause recalled how a balaclava-clad gang had followed him for 40 minutes after he had gone on shopping with a friend at Selfridges in Oxford Circus.
"I went to Oxford Circus Selfridges to do some shopping and I got in the car. My friend was driving at the time and I was followed all the way back to Essex, like a 40-minute drive,” Hause said.
He sensed he was being watched by a group of thugs the entire time as they appeared to be following him on his drive home with clear intentions to ambush him. His friend’s car had already left and another car with fully tinted windows pulled over and five guys got out of the car.
“All the doors opened apart from the driver's door and like five guys hopped out of the car and I'm thinking ‘what's this some prank?’” Hause recounted.
“I remember there was a tall guy and the other guys were like average height, but the tall guy was like ‘grab him, grab him, grab him!’" he added.
From there, Hause said he got jumped by all five guys but he managed to evade the gang briefly. The taller thug assaulted Hause and smashed a glass bottle over his head during the scuffle, leaving him with a gnarly gash on his head. Hause managed to escape once again as he ran towards the direction of a nearby hospital. "As he whacked me and that's where they all jump on me. I managed to get them off me and wriggled out my jacket and they've taken that.”
The group caught up with Hause by car just outside the emergency entrance of the hospital but luckily, an approaching ambulance scared off his attackers-- biding him time to ask a paramedic for help. The paramedics refused to lend assistance on the spot. "I ran to the ambulance and was like, 'Get me to safety, man.'" "They get out and tell me to move, move. I sprinted to A&E and I was thinking were they going to run me over or something?”
Feeling helpless and frustrated, Hause thought no one was there to help a black guy with blood oozing down his head in fear of getting involved in a gang-related incident. He was able to dart through the emergency entrance but said no one made any immediate moves to assist him. Hause waited for 15 minutes until he was attended to. Police officers arrived as his head got stitched up.
In a recent incident, Hause single-handedly crashed his $268,000 Lamborghini into a metal school fence of a joint Islamic faith junior and secondary school near Villa Park.

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