Ninel Conde
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Sometimes being gorgeous and famous is not the best thing in the world, especially if you're being blackmailed with personal photos that show a whole different side of you. Just ask Ninel Conde, who has been forced to upload an intimate picture to her Twitter feed to prevent an extortionist from getting money from it. The Mexican beauty revealed last Wednesday a photo that shows her lying in bed, without any make up on and wrapped in a towel. "Here is one of the pictures that are being used to blackmail me. I know who is behind this," wrote Ninel along with the shot in Spanish.

"El Bombón Asesino," how she is referred to often by her fans, also added that the person who is blackmailing her is doing it to profit from the pictures and is modifying the images and the context, writing the hashtags #NoALaExtorsion and #NoALucrarMasConMiImagen, which means "No More Extortion" and "No More Profiting From My Image" respectively. The singer and actress also disclosed that she's taking legal action against the perpetrators. According to Radio Formula, René Franco, headliner of the show "La Taquilla," commented that apparently a magazine from Editorial Notmusa has the images and is the one behind the extortion.

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